5 Advantages to Getting Teeth Whitening Done in a Clinic Rather Than at Home

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Dealing with the Doctor

My name is Adrian and I am an old timer. The next time my birthday rolls around, I will be 71 years old. I still like to keep my mind active and learn new skills so I decided to ask my grandson about the internet and he taught me how to write this blog. This blog is about dealing with doctors. Over the years, I have had my fair share of appointments with the doctor and believe me, as I get older, they become more frequent as I have to manage various medical conditions. I hope you find my blog useful if you are unwell.


5 Advantages to Getting Teeth Whitening Done in a Clinic Rather Than at Home

29 August 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

When it comes to teeth whitening, you can do it at home, but you may want to do it in a dental clinic instead. In fact, there are key advantages to having your teeth whitening done in an office rather than at home. Here are five of the advantages you may want to consider.

1. Stronger Products

Generally, when you whiten your teeth with an at-home kit, the kit uses some peroxide. However, it's a lower dosage of peroxide that you can get in a dentist's office. As a result, you typically have better, more effective results when you let the professionals handle your teeth whitening.

2. Laser Potential

When you go to a dentist for teeth whitening, you don't have to just rely on the bleaching agent. The dentist can also use laser whitening. With this approach, the dentist either uses the lasers on their own or in conjunction with a bleaching paste. In both cases, the laser gently breaks down the stains on your teeth.

3. Combine With Cleaning

Additionally, when you go to a dentist, you can combine teeth whitening with a professional cleaning. A dental hygienist can remove plaque from your teeth. Plaque is made of hardened deposits that is virtually impossible to remove on your own, and it leads to cavities and gum disease because of the bacteria present.

If you combine professional dental cleaning with teeth whitening, that means your teeth are cleaner when you start the whitening process. Again, that should lead to better results.

4. Pair With Exam

Of course, you don't just have to combine teeth whitening with a professional cleaning. You can also combine this procedure with a dental exam. Then, you can find out if you have cavities or other issues, and you can schedule follow-up work as needed. Taking care of everything at once can be really convenient for many people.

5. Alternative Options

Teeth whitening can really only address stains on your teeth. It can't repair other causes of discolouration such as a dead nerve that is making your teeth look grey. Luckily, if you go into the dentist office for a professional cleaning, you can take about alternative options for those teeth.

For instance, the dentist may advise you to pull that tooth and put in an implant. Alternatively, the dentist may advise you to put a porcelain cap over the tooth. You can't get great advice like that from an at-home whitening kit.

Check out a site like http://www.dentalsmile.com.au to learn more about whitening options.