Have you thought about osteopathic therapy?

About Me
Dealing with the Doctor

My name is Adrian and I am an old timer. The next time my birthday rolls around, I will be 71 years old. I still like to keep my mind active and learn new skills so I decided to ask my grandson about the internet and he taught me how to write this blog. This blog is about dealing with doctors. Over the years, I have had my fair share of appointments with the doctor and believe me, as I get older, they become more frequent as I have to manage various medical conditions. I hope you find my blog useful if you are unwell.


Have you thought about osteopathic therapy?

10 August 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Have you considered the benefits of osteopathic therapy? If you have developed problems with your connective tissue, bones, muscles or ligaments, then osteopathic therapy could be the best solution for your health. Visiting an osteopath will allow them to identify actual or potential health issues and to treat them accordingly.

What is osteopathic therapy?

While visiting an osteopath won't normally involve you in surgery or in prescriptions for pills, it will involve working on your muscles through a programme of stretching and massage to help your body to heal itself and return to natural function. Osteopathic therapy is frequently used to relieve tension, but you could also consider osteopathic therapy for any condition that affects the blood flow reaching your body tissues or any time that you want to enhance joint mobility.

Who should see an osteopath?

Osteopathic therapy can be enjoyed by anyone who is experiencing arthritis, pain in the shoulders, neck or lower back. It is particularly popular with athletes or others with sporting injuries since osteopathic therapy can increase the speed of recovery and see athletes back in action again more quickly than more conventional treatments.

What's involved in osteopathic therapy?

All good osteopaths will start their treatment with a detailed investigation of your symptoms and physical examination. This first stage of osteopathic therapy is for the osteopath to locate all of the areas of your body that show signs of tenderness, restriction or strain. You may be asked to demonstrate how much movement you have in parts of your body so that the osteopath can see where their skills will be most needed.

Once the areas needing attention have been identified, osteopathic therapy will be used to treat those areas.

'Hands-on' therapy

One of the more unusual aspects of osteopathic therapy is that it involves no tools or equipment apart from the hands of the osteopath. Your treatment could involve high-velocity thrusts on your spine or more gentle stretching exercises to loosen stiff joints and to enhance the movement of your body. The precise nature of your treatment will depend on the nature of your injury and will be worked out between you and the osteopath to achieve the best possible treatment results for you.

To find out more about how osteopathic therapy can improve your health, talk to your local osteopath today and learn how they can use their hands to enhance your blood flow and improve your bodily movement.